Thursday, July 31, 2014


le soleil (luh sō lā) the sun
It is sunny. luh so lay bree
The weather is pretty. luh to[n] ih jolee / jolee to[n] ohjourdzu
The weather was pretty. lun to[n] tih jolee lawt jour.
Rain pwee
It is raining. la pwee tohm
It is drizzling. Sahpray mooyahsih.

les nuage (lā nwā) the clouds
It is cloudy. luh to[n] ih coovahr

luh prahnto[n]

 (shō) Hot
(Sah fā shō) It is hot.
Warm  sho
low ih ked - the water is warm
It is warm. Sah fih sho
Cool fresh
It is cool. Sah fih fresh.
Cold frih
It is cold. Sah fih frih

Wind luh vahn
It is windy. Sih a[n] groh vahn.

Sleet la vahr glahs
It is sleeting. la vahr glahs tohm.

Hail la grehl
It is hailing. la grehl tohm.

Snow la nehj
It is snowing. La nehj tohm.

(ā clar) lightning lez ae clahr
It is lightning. tahpih ihclihrih

Hurricane a[n] ohrahga[n]
There is a hurricane. ee nah a[n] ohrahga[n]
A hurricane is coming. lorahga[n] aprevnihr.

A storm is coming. luh mohvayto[n] ih apres ahreevih.
The weather is bad/ugly. luh to[n] ih veela[n]
The weather was bad/ugly. luh to[n] tih veela[n]
seeds- dih grahn
walnut - lih cahpawn nwahr
dih graws cahpawn - big hickory nut
Fire dzu fuh
There is a fire. Ee nah a[n] fuh
There is a lot of smoke. Ee nah a[n] to[n] bookahn.

It is dry. Sih sek. Luh to[n] ih sek. Sah fih sek a[n] tah. (a lot)

(lāz ehtwell) the stars
brille (brā) shining
(Kuh to[n]ar meh krahz) May the thunder crush me. ***What kind of expression?

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