Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cajun names for boys

Common Cajun names for boys:
ʒ will be used to represent the French j sound.
Auguste (ō guhst)
Augustin (ō guhst a[n])
Octave (ōk tahv)
Joseph (ʒō zef)
Camille (kah mil)
Rémy (Ray mee)
René (ruh nay)
Basile (Ba[a as in apple] zeel)
Ignace (ee-nyas)
Jean (ʒa[n])
Jacques (ʒahk)
Pierre (pee air)
Louis (loo ee)
Jean-Baptiste (ʒa[n] bah tees) *probably the most common name
Gaspard (gahs pah)
Solastie (???) *Often shortened to "Lastie / Lasty"
Sébastien (say bass tye[n])
Phillippe (fee leep)
Phileos (fee lee ōs)
Ambroise (am brahz)
Honoré (ō nō ray)
Virgil (probably pronounced the same way as in English, but with a Cajun accent)
Alphonse (al fo[n]s)
Adolphe (a[as in apple] dolf)
Alexandre (ah lex an druh)
Lucien (loosye[n])
Armand (ar mo[n])
Eustache (oostash)
Olivier (ō liv ee ay)
Martin (mar ta[n])
Placide (plah sid) 
Francois (Fro[n] swah)
Felix (fee leeks) 
Hippolyte (ee pō leet)
Eloi (Aylwah)
Clovis (klō veece)
Charles (Sharl)
Oscar (Aw skehr)
Théodule (tee ō dyool)
Léon (lay o[n])
Théophile (tee ō fil)

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