Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Food / Cooking / Kitchen

Euhj vas mo[n]jih - To eat
Shapres mo[n]jih - I am eating
Tah pih mo[n]jih - You are eating
Ee l'apray mo[n]jih - He is eating
Elle a lih mo[n]jih - She is eating
Sih apray mo[n]jih - It is eating
Ahnih apray mo[n]jih - We are eating
Ee so[n] apray mo[n]jih - They are eating

Shih mo[n]jih deja - I ate already
Tah mo[n]jih - You ate
Eel a mo[n]jih - He ate
Elle ah lah mo[n]jih - She ate
Sah mo[n]jih - It ate
Ahnah mo[n]jih - We ate
Eel o[n] mo[n]jihThey ate

Mo[n]j to[n] mo[n]jih / Mo[n]j to[n] plah Eat your food / Eat your plate (of food)
Ahlo[n] mo[n]jih - Let's eat.

Shaprih bwar - I am drinking
Tsee vah espihrih, weh sha - You gonna wait, yeah you.
Tah pih bwar - You are drinking
Ee lah pih bwar - He is drinking
Elle a lah pih bwar - She is drinking
Sih apray bwar - It is drinking
Ahnih apray bwar - We are drinking
Ee so[n] apray bwar - They are drinking

Dzu lih - Some milk
leeshih - to lick / to nurse
d'lō - Water
Dzu tih - Tea
Dzu kahfih - Coffee
Tsee vuh an tas dzu kahfih - You want some coffee?

Shoo gawn fahr a[n] gahto - I'm going to make a cake
Dzu frōhmaj - Some cheese
Dzu lih cahyih - Cottage cheese

Shoo gawn kwihr - I'm going to cook...
Shoo gawn mo[n]jih - I'm going to eat...
Kee tsee vuh mo[n]jih - What do you want to eat?
Euhj vuh mo[n]jih - I want to eat...
Dah vyohn - Meat
Lah pōwhl / pool - Lah poolet - Chicken / Young chicken
Dzu kahnar - Duck
Dah vyan dzu zwah - The meat of a goose
Dzu pwahso[n] - Fish
Lah vyan duh bet - Beef
Lah vyan duh kōhsho[n] (o as in ore) Pork
Dzu shivrette - Shrimp
Ihkrihbees - Crawfish
Lah krahb - Crabs
A[n] rootsee - a roast
Jahm dzu rootsee - I like roast
A[n] Stick - Steak
Dah vyan moolih - Ground beef
Lah ho[n]sh - Thigh
An jahm de pōwhl - Drumstick
An el de pōwhl - Chicken wing
Lih stomah de pōwhl - Chicken breast
Feelay - Fillet
Kōhsho[n] - Pork

Jardzunahj -Vegetables
Dih cahrawt - Carrots
Dih nahvih / A[n] nahvih -Turnips
Dih rahdzee / A[n] rahdzee - Radishes
Dzu Spinach
Dah Lihtsoo - Lettuce

An tahb - Table
Ahronj lah tahb / Me lah tahb - Set the table.
Ah see twah ah lah tahb - Sit at the table.
Ahlo[n] sah sihr ah lah tahb - Let's sit at the table.
Nihtwie lah tahb - Clean the table.
Les mo[n] tro[n]kil, weh - Leave me alone, yeah
Ahlo[n] nihtwie yih lah tahb - Let's clean the table.
A[n] plah - Plate
An keeyahr - Spoon
An tah / A[n] gōhblih - Glass / Cup
A[n] gōhblihd lih - a glass of milk
An forshet Fork
A[n] kootoh -Knife
An sahrvyet - Napkin
A[n] bahsa[n] - face washing basin
An shōjahr (hot ?) Frying pan
A[n] pōh Pot
An  boolwahr duh kahfih
A[n] pōh chom - a chamber pot
An boolwahr - Kettle

Lah keezin - Kitchen
Vas do[n] lah keezin - Go in the kitchen
Lahv lah visel - Wash the dishes.
Shoo gawn lahvih lah vihsel / Euhj vah lahvih lah visel - I'm going to wash dishes.
Shoo gawn nihtwahyih lah keezin - I'm going to clean the kitchen.
Luh bahsa[n] de vihsel / Luh sink - Sink
Luh fōhsih - the ditch
Luh fahsit - Faucet
Lah glasyahr - Icebox
Luh stove - Stove
Lih cabeenet - Cupboard
Luh tawp duh cabeenet - Countertop
Plo[n]sh dihcoopih - Cutting board

I'm going to buy groceries.
I'm going to save (put away) the groceries. Shu gawn sihrih mih grosree.
Let's go get groceries. Allon sharshih dih grosree. 
We bought groceries. An ashtih dih grosree.

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